a) The original pattern
This color pattern is the original and the most popular pattern of Burberry. It can be seen as the symbol of Burberry. This pattern has 3 colors (black, white, khaki, red), you can see that the proportion of the khaki color is the biggest. The red and khaki color is the mono-chromatic scheme color. And black and white is the achromatic scheme colors so this pattern is the mixing of mono-chromatic scheme and achromatic scheme colors. I think the achromatic scheme colors is usually appear in the Burberry’s pattern. And it m
ixes with other colours to produce a regular pattern and use to emphasize the unique pattern of Burberry.
b) red lines
I have find that the red lines should be present in all pattern, so the theme colour of each pattern may be matched with the red color. For example, from the below picture, there are different theme color of Burberry. For the green one, the green hue is a complementary color of red and for the blue one, the blue hue is the triadic color of red. So every theme color should have a relationship with red color and the red lines.